My foray into spiritualism began at an early age. I have long been interested in the occult, and my family has a history of spiritual experiences. I felt a distinct difference within myself since I was a child. I was instinctually drawn to books and conversations that opened up information about the psychic realm and witchcraft. I trained in a spiritualist church and an eclectic witchcraft coven throughout my teenage years.
I acquired my first tarot deck at 13 years of age, and the obsession has not stopped since. I am an avid collector of vintage and out-of-print decks. When it comes to reading the cards, my style has often been praised as linear. I value structure and the simple presentation of facts during my readings - readings that give direct information that will be helpful in an everyday, practical sense.
My journey with witchcraft also began in my early teens, but I came to formal, initiatory witchcraft traditions a little later on in life. I co-founded and still run a coven that focuses on spirit communication and traditional witchcraft practices in 2014. In recent years, I was initiated into Gardnerian Wicca and the Anderson Feri tradition. These days, I am involved in teaching in these traditions and running a coven. I live in Melbourne, Australia with my husband and our dog Stitch.